Sunday, March 24, 2024

Revisiting Laban T M’mbololo Esq

I last spoke with Laban T M'mbololo Esq in April 2023 (click here to read) and enjoyed his non-fiction book, Influence: The secret of selling. I was keen to catch up and find out what he's been doing:

'I embarked on an important exercise on the most extensive revamp of my book “Why Are Dumb People RICHER Than You?” for republishing, by including three new additional chapters, updated content, revisions and sequencing the chapters for optimal flow, and working with better professionals to represent my vision, and showcase it as new and improved while retaining the original material, that will propel it to a bestseller status.  

Here is the synopsis after including a new chapter, “Why Financial Intelligence is not Taught in Schools”: It unravels an intriguing question, and what has been a mystery for so many years, and is a perfect blueprint with insights on self-educating. The tools provided are tailored for life-long success, and summarizes the chapters with brief overviews and key action points.' 

Sounds fascinating! What does he have planned going forward – is there anything readers should watch out for?

'I’m due to appear on a TV interview on the Mike Briggs show on “Central Valley Talk” based out of CA, U.S.A.' 

That would terrify me! Is there anything else he'd like to share?' 

'I have included an additional chapter in the book towards the very end, entitled, “How to put it into Action.” Now this is important because many self-help books end up not been transformational, and only temporarily motivate you, but then motivation has a very short shelf life.

The chapter reveals the three reasons why the motivational talks you have been attending or self-help books you have been reading have not had an impact in your life, and the importance of understanding the brains physiological processes, and what you need to do in order to make a shift in your circumstances and benefit from the literature you have been consuming in self-help books and motivational talks.

Wonderful! If you'd like to learn more about this knowledgeable author and the wealth of experience he has to share, please click on his links below:


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