I might not be popular for saying this but Christmas is fast approaching and I thought, rather than feeling all that pressure of too much to do, too little time to do it, let's bring it back to what Christmas should be about, getting kids to read (sorry, is that just me?😕).
This month's book review is an award-winning Christmas-themed tale for all the family, and it's aimed at 4-13 year olds. So whether you're reading it to your children, grandchildren or just for yourself (as in my case😁), prepare to get into the festive spirit. But let's start by meeting its author, Aleksandra Tryniecka:
'Hello! 😀 My name is Aleksandra and I am an Assistant Professor at Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Poland. In my free time I enjoy gardening, baking cakes and pizza, drawing, spending time with my beloved dog Yogi, and writing poetry and stories in order to accommodate my life with the right words. I enjoy the nineteenth-century British literature, especially everything written by Anthony Trollope and Wilkie Collins. One of my favourite literary characters is the Cheshire Cat. Without a doubt, Bunky and the Bunky Princess are also my favourite literary characters!'
To help introduce Aleksandra to your followers, she's created a tweetable introduction for you (tweet here)
Dear Readers, hello! My name is Aleksandra. I am an assistant professor specializing in the British literature, a writer and dreamer who enjoys living my life with my beloved literary characters!
A full description of her new book is at the base of this post (*) but in overview, 'it is a
dialogical and intertextual journey through the pages of
women's literary portraits in the Victorian and Neo-Victorian Novels and their modern, revisionary counterparts' - so completely different from Bunky then!
Aleksandra kindly sent over photos of her characters as sewn toys, which I've scattered throughout this post, but I wondered if she was intending to produce a merchandise range?
'The photographs on my website and blog (link below) are those I made myself (together with their clothes). I hoped to find a way to bridge my actual world with the literary world and now I am more than happy to live with my literary characters! 😀 Readers can also visit my YouTube channel (Link here) where I present the adventures of my literary characters.
Recently I also sewed Rodney – Bunky’s little cousin, and Plum – the little wolf saved by Bunky on Christmas Eve! This time, it is my Mum who is the designer and maker of Rodney’s sweater – perfectly matching the description in the book!
All my characters are dressed like in the novel and mascots of Bunky and the Bunky Princess are ready to be purchased (links below). I'd like to thank Bess from Rongtuo Toys and Chris from the Very Best Logic for making it possible!'
I asked Aleksandra for a favourite extract from the novel and she sent the moment when Bunky encounters Rudolph:
'The bushes rustled again and Bunky saw the owner of the soft, silky voice. It was no one else but the Glorious Deer. Bunky dropped his arms and felt dizzy once again, this time from excitement. He knew that it was the Glorious Deer! His soft, brown fur was glistening so beautifully, making the day even brighter than it really was. There was an aura of magic and
good cheer around the Deer as he gazed at Bunky from beneath his long, dark eyelashes. His bright, red nose revealed his name.
“I am Rudolph the Reindeer,” he said.
“I am Bunky the Hero,” introduced Bunky, instantly changing his mind about not becoming the Hero today. He felt as if he entered a fairytale.
approaching Bunky with a soft smile.
Everything was soft about Rudolph the Reindeer: not only his fur and voice, but also his manners and his kind, gentle behaviour had a certain touch of soothing softness. When Rudolph looked into his eyes, Bunky experienced a carefree feeling surrounding him from all around. It felt like being back home after a long journey. It was the feeling of Christmas.
Bunky felt proud that Rudolph addressed him as the “Hero.” He thought that the day was going to be very special.
“The world needs you,” announced Rudolph quite unexpectedly.
On hearing this, Bunky fell to the ground, but soon he put himself
together and got up. The entire world needed him! It was too much for someone even as heroic as Bunky. “Your friends need you,” “the city needs you,” even “Walmland needs you” sounded better than the entire world needing him! Bunky decided to be brave though.
“That’s rather . . . unexpected,” he mumbled, looking attentively at his blue mittens. In fact, he didn’t want the Reindeer to realise how dizzy he was. Heroes shouldn’t be dizzy at all events, but still, the entire world needing him was slightly too much. The Bunky Princess would be proud of him, he thought. Bunky pinched himself in order to make sure that it was all a dream, but it turned out that he was facing a complex reality.
“The world needs you,” repeated Rudolph the Reindeer, looking at
Bunky with his soft, peaceful eyes. Yet, Bunky experienced some inner hesitation.
“Today?” he groaned, “I wanted to have Christmas! I’m having winter holidays! I don’t attend school this week and I was hoping for peace and quiet!”


I am also very grateful to the Judges and the Readers for finding value in my work. Creating Bunky’s literary world is such an honour and joy in my life, and I will continue doing so, offering a safe and inviting space for each and every person.'
What does she enjoy the most about writing?
'I love the fact that writing and writers hold this tremendous (and responsible!) power of transforming our world and constructing a literary plane which can deeply influence our reality. Everything we create by means of the written word can become our actuality – it is quite a huge responsibility, but also it carries magnificent beauty! Apart from that, writing is my home and my way of making sense of life and the world.'
I get the feeling if Aleksandra dreams it, it will probably happen! She works in Poland but writes in English, so I wondered if English was her second language?
'I always read these texts in English, because reading them in translation would alter their content, as well as the reader’s perception of the presented literary worlds. For instance, on reading Jane Austen’s works – in English and in translation - they become different texts with each translation. A given language has this specific cultural tinge which always slightly alters original texts. Also, at the university, we analyse every work in its original language: our lectures and classes are in English, and we write articles and books in English as well – English is a more “natural” way of forming our thoughts.'
I imagine if I ever wrote a Christmas book, I’d have a list of must-haves and the brilliant thing about Bunky and the Walms: The Christmas Story is that it has them all!
Mr and Mrs Claus, tick; Rudolf, tick; Elves, tick; and of course, there needs to be the quest to save Christmas! This family book is aimed at 4–13-year-olds but I’m much older and I have to say, I enjoyed the ride!
Here's an extract:
‘It was snowing outside still, with elegant snowflakes subtly swirling around in a happy pre-Christmas dance. Mrs. Walm sat in a rocking chair in order to prepare a list of ingredients for her famous Christmas chocolate cake, and Mr. Walm began arranging Christmas lights and wreaths around the living room.'
This adventure stars Bunky the Hippo, a wannabe writer who is a little grumpy initially, along with his cousin Rodney and a wolf named Plum. They set out on a quest to save Santa Claus’s sleigh and deliver all the gifts to save Christmas, but will they do it? You’ll have to read to find out!
The story is charming and weaves in messages about friendship, truth and Christmas values. The language is accessible, and I liked how Aleksandra broke the fourth wall to address the audience directly in her ‘Dear Reader’ messages.
It’s a fun read and I can imagine families enjoying the adventure together as they visit Walmland, the North Pole and all around the world on Christmas Eve.
There are also some Christmas promotional offers on currently (see photos), so it's a great time to buy! Why not take a look at her book or visit Aleksandra's links at:
Twitter: @ATryniecka
Instagram: @aleksandratryniecka