Friday, November 25, 2022

Amazing thanks!

Woohoo - I'm celebrating again 🥳

I've just had the most fantastic thank-you email from lovely author Simon Van Der Velde (see our interview here) and I just wanted to share it with you because it's made my day!

And if you've not read Backstories yet, do take a look (see the links below):

Hi Jane,

Thank you so much for reviewing Backstories.

I am grateful to everyone who has taken the time to review my work, but it has been a particular pleasure to work with you.

Your Q&A was fun, and avoided those overly predictable questions, and it's clear from your beautifully written review that you really took the time to engage with my writing - enjoying both the surface level of the 'who-is-it' game, and the deeper meanings and messages beneath. Your presentation was excellent. Your links worked! And not only was your review fun to read, but it was spell-checked too. (If that sounds patronising, I apologise, but these details count - and not everyone gets them rite😉 )

I am also particularly pleased with the level of engagement you got, which is fantastic for a new(ish) reviewer, but in no way surprising, given the quality of your work.

I'll expect to be reading your reviews in the Guardian in the near future. In the meantime, I'll be making the most of you while I can, and you may be sure that when Backstories II comes out, (in early 2023), Tweetables will be right up there in my list of top reviewers.

Thanks again, and very best wishes,


Isn't that lovely! I'm sitting here with a big grin on my face so thank you Simon and yes, I can't wait to read the second Backstories!

Find out more by visiting the author's links below:

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